Sunday, April 22, 2012

What is natural about this?

I hear from too many people that running barefoot is unnatural and uncomfortable. What they clearly don't understand is that it is very natural.
Our bodies have become adjusted to our own misguided creation: The modern running shoe. We did not evolve feet designed to wear these:

F***ing gross.

Its obvious to me at least that we have been bamshoosled (Yeah I did that) into believing that without this shiny new product, we will not be able to perform as well as our competitors. Yes, shoe companies know how to play the fear card and they do it very well.
Celebrity endorsements ensure you that the best athletes in the world use their shoes and that you will score the game winning dunk to win the game.
Here is a melodramatic commercial showing that:

I'll stick to using my feet and if its freezing cold I'm wearing those shoes my ex got me last year.

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